Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Goals and changes

So here's to my first blog post!
I have been busy setting goals for the year! 2013 was a complete whirlwind and I was thinking back today about just how far I've come.

At the beginning of 2013 I was not happy with the way I looked or the way I felt. What I enjoyed the most was lounging on the couch and sleeping. I had an 8 month old little boy and used him as my excuse to be lazy and tired. My husband, Cass, had been diagnosed with high cholesterol and our diet consisted of JUNK. I was just coasting through life with no real purpose or drive. I began my journey with Beachbody in January knowing that I needed to make a change, for me, for my husband and for the influence we have on our son. I never realized just how much this decision would truly impact my life.

Keeping accountable to the challenge group, we slowly changed our ways, incorporating working out and shakeology into our daily routine. Eventually, as I learned more about processed foods, it was easy to really clean up our diet. The more I learned, the more I was inspired to share my journey and knowledge with others. If I could change my lifestyle, I knew that anyone could.

With the realization that I had a passion to inspire others to become healthy and reach their goals, I became a Beachbody coach. Most people who have known me for a long time were surprised by this decision, but it has turned out to be one of the best I have ever made. Since making this decision, I have grown as a person, not just in my health and fitness but my confidence and positivity as well. I have stepped out of my comfort zone, met new people and many new friends. I never could have dreamed how far I would come in just one year.

Before starting this journey, I was wandering aimlessly through life. Now, I have goals written and a clear path to reaching them. I engage in personal development every day, helping me to become a better person. I believe that I cannot bring to others that which I do not possess myself so I strive to continuously improve. I surround myself with other people who want to make a difference in the world. I have a vision for my life and believe I can do anything. I am now looking FORWARD, having no doubt where my life is headed.